How you will improve your life overnight

How you will improve your life overnight

Read time : 5 minutes

Welcome to Wisdom Weekly:

Get proven strategies to become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive... in around 10 minutes a week.

Today's Wisdom:

  • Big idea: Why making changes is so hard
  • Short lesson: How you will improve your life overnight
  • Deep quote: The law of attraction simplified
  • Quick takeaway: How to shift your identity
  • Top video: The shortcut to becoming your best self

Big idea: Why making changes is so hard

I heard this powerful story recently about someone trying to stop smoking.

Imagine for a second you have an addiction, or a habit that isn’t serving you.

  • Smoking cigarettes, or excessive weed.
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol.
  • Binge eating.

You get the idea.

In this story someone approaches “Paul” the person trying to stop smoking.

“Hey, do you want a cigarette?” - Smoker

“Ah, no thanks I’m trying to quit smoking.” - Paul

“Cmon man, one won’t hurt you.” - Smoker

“Fine, I guess your right. I’ll take it.” - Paul

Can you spot the problem?

It wasn’t the other person peer pressuring Paul.

See if you can spot the difference this time around.

“Hey, do you want a cigarette?” - Smoker

“Ah, no thanks I’m not a smoker.” - Paul

“Okay no problem, figured I’d offer.” - Smoke

“Appreciate the gesture, but I’m all set.” - Paul

Let’s unpack this.

Short lesson: How you will improve your life overnight

In the story above we have two different paths we can take:

  • The path of trying to be something different than we are.
  • The path of becoming someone new.

In the book Atomic Habits (which I love by the way) the Author gives the example above.

If Paul is someone trying to stop smoking, that means deep down he still believes he is a smoker.

It’s nearly impossible to change our behavior, unless we change our identity.

We act in alignment with who we think we are.

Paul, in the first example still thinks he is a smoker.

No wonder he caved in, and took the cigarette.

Now, if Paul decides one day “I’m not a smoker.”

Guess what he most likely will not do: smoke.

It may take a second to kick the temptation, but each time he chooses to remind himself: “I don’t smoke because I am not a smoker.” The habit will slowly go away.

This applies to anything.

The true goal is not the result we want. It’s who we become.

If you can become the right identity, you can have any behavior, and therefore result that follows it.

  • Someone who thinks they are a reader, will read books.
  • Someone who thinks they are fit, will keep themselves in good shape.
  • Someone who thinks they are poor, will stay poor.

We control who we think we are, which means we control the cause to every effect in our life.

The person you are today is an messy combination of who the world taught you to be:

  • Your parents projected their beliefs and expectations on you.
  • The teachers that made you sit still, and follow orders.
  • All the friends you surrounded yourself with.

Very few people chose who they are. They just ended up this way.

Not you… anymore.

Who are you my friend?

Are you an athlete: that will now have a body that’s in peak shape, and good energy?

Are you a wealthy person: that manages their money, and makes a lot of it?

Are you a servant leader: who shows up for themselves, and others in all they do?

Adopt the identity. Embrace the behaviors. Reap the rewards.

It’s simple, but not easy.

I take my students and clients through a process to upgrade their identity. It completely changes their life and results… almost overnight.

If you’d like to learn more, go here.

There is also a short guide below to teach you how to do this.

Deep quote: The law of attraction simplified


The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.
Wayne Dyer

All of your problems:

  • Overwhelm
  • Self doubt
  • Procrastination
  • Poor results

Are caused by your identity (what you are).

I AM: whatever follows these two words will create your reality.

All of your solutions:

  • Self belief
  • Constant progress
  • AmazIng results
  • Happiness
  • Health
  • Wealth

Are caused by your identity (what you are).

Quick takeaway: How to shift your identity

Identity means “repeated beingness”.

Who you are.

It is dictated by your self image.

How you see yourself, and who you think you are.

Having a weak self image is a disservice to you and our creator.

Most spiritual teachings would agree: we are ‘made in the image’ of our creator.

The inferior self image that is holding you back… is false.

How do you think you will build a better life, without a better you?

Even Jesus warned us not to put new material on an old garment, or new wine in old bottles.

Meaning: don’t put new things on an old foundation.

You can’t force positive thinking, and better results with a shaky self image.

Here’s the problem:

  • You see your limitations, faults, and weaknesses.
  • You tell yourself a story of why you aren’t, and why you can’t.
  • You think others are more special, capable, or worthy than you.

It’s all bullshit my friend. You just haven’t seen it.

You are the infinite divine housed in flesh and bone.

Starting today you have a new story:

You are a miracle, and powerful creator of your reality.

Whether you know that or not.

It’s time to take your power back.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Self

Get crystal clear on the highest version of you.

It was a mental picture in your imagination that made you who you are today… It’s a new mental picture that will turn you into your highest self.

Let’s create one.

Ask yourself questions:

  • What do they look like?
  • How do they act?
  • What kind of results do they get?
  • How are they impacting the world?
  • Who do they think they are?

Now it’s time to plant this new seed.

Step 2: Plant The New Self-Image Your Mind

Remember daydreaming as a kid?

What if I told you that your imagination was the power of God inside of you?

As you think, you create.

On a daily basis, you are going to quiet your mind and tap into your imagination.

Picture what you’d be doing and how you’d feel now living as this new version of yourself.

The secret is in the feeling. I want you to visualize until you are in tears. Become so immersed in this image, almost like a dream while you sleep.

Now the seed is planted, and you will nourish it each day.

Step 3: Live As If

Each moment, begin acting as that person.

Begin with the end in mind.

Step into the new identity, and practice living as this new version of you.

  • Take actions that match that identity.
  • Create habits as that new person.
  • Live as if you are that person now.

Ask yourself “how would the new version of me show up in this moment?”

Walk, talk, speak, breathe, and feel like the new you.

It’s changed (and is currently changing) my life.

Everyone I’ve taught or shared this information with has had their life and results improved.

You're next my friend.

Reminder: You can use my G.S.D. System to do this and more.

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The Shortcut to Becoming Your Best Self

After investing $100,000+ and thousands of hours into my self improvement... this is the fastest way to become better.

In case you missed it: In Wednesday's letter, I covered how long you need to workout for and the #1 goal setting strategy I've ever used.

You can read it here.

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help:

If you haven't already...

⚡️ Join The Activation Collective For Free

Your first step to hit your goals and thrive in mind, body, spirit—and your bank account. Get high-quality, no-BS resources like The G.S.D. Planner + Goal Tracker to achieve your goals, and become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive—alongside a badass community for support.

Or, you can...

➡️ Work With Me

I'll help you overcome your mental blocks (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.

Mention "2025" when we talk for a special deal just for you.

You can reply directly to this email with any questions, wins, or thoughts you had this week.

Rooting for you 💪

With love, support, & gratitude,

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius

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Christopher Riley Scott Conder

Hello my friend, I'm Christopher. Twice a week, I share actionable tips, reflections, and strategies to help you become more happy, healthy, and productive. Join 1000+ free thinkers working on leveling up in mind, body, and spirit.

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