Quick takeaway: How to shift your identity
Identity means “repeated beingness”.
Who you are.
It is dictated by your self image.
How you see yourself, and who you think you are.
Having a weak self image is a disservice to you and our creator.
Most spiritual teachings would agree: we are ‘made in the image’ of our creator.
The inferior self image that is holding you back… is false.
How do you think you will build a better life, without a better you?
Even Jesus warned us not to put new material on an old garment, or new wine in old bottles.
Meaning: don’t put new things on an old foundation.
You can’t force positive thinking, and better results with a shaky self image.
Here’s the problem:
- You see your limitations, faults, and weaknesses.
- You tell yourself a story of why you aren’t, and why you can’t.
- You think others are more special, capable, or worthy than you.
It’s all bullshit my friend. You just haven’t seen it.
You are the infinite divine housed in flesh and bone.
Starting today you have a new story:
You are a miracle, and powerful creator of your reality.
Whether you know that or not.
It’s time to take your power back.
Here’s how:
Step 1: Define Your Ideal Self
Get crystal clear on the highest version of you.
It was a mental picture in your imagination that made you who you are today… It’s a new mental picture that will turn you into your highest self.
Let’s create one.
Ask yourself questions:
- What do they look like?
- How do they act?
- What kind of results do they get?
- How are they impacting the world?
- Who do they think they are?
Now it’s time to plant this new seed.
Step 2: Plant The New Self-Image Your Mind
Remember daydreaming as a kid?
What if I told you that your imagination was the power of God inside of you?
As you think, you create.
On a daily basis, you are going to quiet your mind and tap into your imagination.
Picture what you’d be doing and how you’d feel now living as this new version of yourself.
The secret is in the feeling. I want you to visualize until you are in tears. Become so immersed in this image, almost like a dream while you sleep.
Now the seed is planted, and you will nourish it each day.
Step 3: Live As If
Each moment, begin acting as that person.
Begin with the end in mind.
Step into the new identity, and practice living as this new version of you.
- Take actions that match that identity.
- Create habits as that new person.
- Live as if you are that person now.
Ask yourself “how would the new version of me show up in this moment?”
Walk, talk, speak, breathe, and feel like the new you.
It’s changed (and is currently changing) my life.
Everyone I’ve taught or shared this information with has had their life and results improved.
You're next my friend.
Reminder: You can use my G.S.D. System to do this and more.