We need food, water, and this to survive
Read time : 4 minutes
Welcome to Wisdom Weekly where I help you become more happy, healthy and productive in around 10 minutes a week.
Today's Wisdom:
- My week so far: Staying grateful while life kicks my ass, 4,000 calories a day, and The G.S.D. Philosophy
- A resource for you: We need food, water, and this to survive
- Question or answer: How would you describe the ultimate human?
My week so far: Staying grateful while life kicks my ass, 4,000 calories a day, and The G.S.D. Philosophy
This week I’ve been playing with two extremes:
- Gratitude: Finding, feeling, and embracing gratitude for everything in my life.
Understanding that gratitude is the key to abundance. When we are grateful, we give a signal to the universe that we acknowledge what we already have… and are ready to receive more.
- Hunger: My back is against the wall at the moment. For the first time in years I feel HUNGRY.
Not literally, thank God I have enough food… but internally I feel more drive, urgency, and purpose than perhaps ever in my life. I haven’t “lacked” anything for a long time, but right now I am fighting with that feeling of scarcity.
In a sick way… I love this shit. I grew up in chaos, and discomfort. The best results I’ve ever created came from times of complete fear, scarcity, and no option but to succeed.
I know one thing for sure: I will figure it out. I will overcome this trial. I’ve learned from what got me here, and will thrive with those lessons as I find my way out.
The best sauce… is hunger. All I can taste is commitment towards my impending victory, and triumph.
What is the flavor of your life at the moment?
What I am working on
In my personal life: I have a few things going on.
- I started with my fitness coach Caiden this week. We have a goal to get me to 210lbs over the next year, and I am now eating 4,200 calories per day. Locking in as we speak.
- I’ve found a few job opportunities to support me building everything you see here. Also have some new real estate clients, so that’s cool.
In my professional life: I have two main projects I am working on.
The 1st is growing my men’s group Brother To Brother.
Last Saturday we had our first call, and it kicked ass.
If you are a man, or (know a man) that’s committed to becoming the greatest version of themself… but are alone dealing with things like:
- addiction
- emotional struggles
- feeling stuck
- lacking direction and purpose
Join us!
The 2nd is The G.S.D. (get shit done) System:
A no fluff productivity approach that helps high performers (or people overwhelmed with their to do list) go from overwhelmed to overachieving.
I had so much fun last week writing about how I planned my week, that I decided to create something out of it:
For years I’ve experimented with different routines, techniques, and approaches… at the end of the day we all want to know we can depend on ourselves to get shit done.
Nothing feels worse than letting yourself down day by day:
- Procrastinating the things you told yourself you would do.
- Seeing your to do list grow, and grow.
- Time slipping by with no results to show.
I’ve had more of those days than I can count… can you relate?
Well luckily that won’t be the case for either one of us moving forwards.
This system I am building, and guide to go along with it is... dare I say like a chefs kiss.
You can get it first (and for free) by joining the waitlist.
My mission is helping people like you become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive. This is one way I can do that.
Weekly win and miss
My win: I had 5 men sign up for Brother To Brother last week. More people signed up for our March ayahuasca retreat. Momentum baby!
My miss: I stayed up late on Sunday night prepping for this week, and working on my G.S.D. system. Monday I snoozed my alarm. No bueno, and luckily it didn't happen again.
A resource for you: We need food, water, and this to survive
I have a lot of “tools”.
- My phone
- Laptop
- Softwares
- Etc
But if I could only choose one thing to keep with me the rest of my life (minus food or water), it would be my journal.
Do you have a journal?
If not, after researching hundreds to see which is the best bang for our buck
I’d recommend you pick this one up:
“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time”
— Mina Murray
There is no single habit, or tool that is more effective for creating the best life and version of ourselves.
Here are a few prompts to get you started:
- What are 3 things I feel grateful for?
- What went well today?
- How can I improve tomorrow?
- What is my #1 problem right now? How did future me solve it?
- Who am I becoming based on my current lifestyle? Is this what I really want?
- If I could wave a magic wand, what would be different about myself and my life? How can I love myself where I am at, while working towards these changes?
Hope this helps, below is my story with journaling.
Story related to resource (why I am using it)
I used to feel very alone.
I had a hard time opening up to people, and my mind wasn’t a kind place to be… so I had no one to talk to.
Many of us suffer in silence, and drown under the weight of our problems.
We lack clarity, and can’t make the right decisions.
We get stuck, and don’t make progress.
We feel so much, that we end up not feeling at all.
For me, this lead to many problems:
- My girlfriend disconnected from me, and filled her emotional needs with another man.
- My mental health went to shit, and I began to have panic attacks.
- My coping with weed, and pornography began to send me further into a spiral.
So what did I do?
I picked up the pen back in 2021, and I talked to myself.
At first it was a brain dump at the end of the day. Sharing how I felt, what had happened, and any thoughts on my mind.
Next it became a place for planning, and breaking down my problems. I began to find the answers, and solutions I desperately needed.
Fast forward to today, and it is the place where my mind lives on hundreds of pages. I plan, reflect, draw, take notes, and more.
I’ve never had a better relationship with, and understood myself more.
If you’d like to give it a try, do yourself a favor and go buy a journal.
Here’s the one I use again just in case.
Question or answer - How would you describe the ultimate human?
In my men's group we talked about the ultimate man, but I believe part of what we discussed applies to both Men and Women.
Here's how I would describe the ultimate human:
A person that has an athletes body, a warriors spirit, a poets heart, and a stoics mind.
The following words come to mind when I read that statement:
How would you describe the ultimate human?
Reply and let me know... OR reply to this email with a question if you want to be featured on my newsletter and get some 1on1 advice.
P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help:
If you haven't already...
Your first step to hit your goals and thrive in mind, body, spirit—and your bank account. Get high-quality, no-BS resources like The G.S.D. Planner + Goal Tracker to achieve your goals, and become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive—alongside a badass community for support.
Or, you can...
I'll help you overcome your mental blocks (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.
Mention "2025" when we talk for a special deal just for you.
In case you missed it: In Saturdays Issue, I covered how our life is being co-created by us, and the universal source that is inside of us.
Our goal is to work with, and not against that source. I broke down my thoughts on how to do that.
You can read it here.
You can reply directly to this email with any questions, wins, or thoughts you had this week.
Rooting for you 💪
With love, support, & gratitude, Christopher
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius
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