What happened to Riley?? (not coming back)

What happened to Riley?? (not coming back)

Read time : 5 minutes

Welcome to Wisdom Weekly where I help you become more happy, healthy and productive in around 10 minutes a week.

For those that don’t want to read this, here’s what you need to know:

  • I am now Christopher Riley Scott Conder. Call me whatever you want, but I now go by Christopher. Riley will always be my birth name, and have a place in my heart.
  • I updated my newsletter to be on Wednesdays and Saturdays with one goal in mind: to help you become more happy, healthy, and productive in around 10 minutes per week. Wednesdays are about my personal reflections and insights. Saturdays are deep dives into topics, ideas, and lessons. Glad to have you here :)
  • I no longer have a million things going on, and learned my lesson (finally… more like hopefully lol)
  • 20% off all of my offerings black friday sale! See the bottom of this email for a link.

If you want to know why all of this happened, read below.

Hello there my friend,

How have you been?

What’s new?

Heads up! Today we are going deep and I have some important updates.

It’s been a second since I checked in…

I’ve learned so much.

Grown more than I could put on paper.

I mean in a literal sense… I had a rebirth (more on that later).

But, it wasn’t all that easy if I am being honest.

"When it rains it pours"

I invested all of my money into myself and opportunity… and then some.

  • For the first time since I was a teenager I had to ask for money from family, and am experiencing being “broke” with debt.

On top of that I was struggling with the emotional and mental pressure I have put on myself the last few years.

  • I’ve been going a million miles per hour and adding more to my plate than I could manage.

Then during my last week of training recently in the ceremonies with ayahuasca I asked to be taught about forgiveness.

  • I had repressed memories of sexual trauma resurface... along with other things in my family and myself that were needing to be accepted to forgive myself and others.

The message was clear: I needed to ask for help from my mentors, God, and the other students during the last level of our training.

  • I admitted to myself that I needed help. I couldn’t face it all alone.

Talk about a big piece of humble pie. I’ve now learned how important it is to ask for help. Especially when you don’t want to.

Lastly, I owned something I was terrified of.

During a very powerful spiritual experience in 2023 I asked to be shown who I was meant to be.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

What a big thing to ask for looking back haha!

I was shown my future, and worst fears:

  • My purpose: What I was meant to do in this world.
  • My fears: The obstacles I may face, and pain I could experience.
  • My lifestyle: How I was meant to live, and build my life.
  • My impact: The people I would serve. There were so many.

Over the course of two days I explored the depths of my soul, and this crazy reality we are apart of.

I experienced the feeling of dying, living out my worst fears, and the darkest shit. Pain, suffering, hopelessness, chaos, and despair.

During this experience I was being shown visions, and experiences of Yeshua (Jesus) The Christ.

  • His supposed wrestle with “the devil”.
  • His suffering and sacrifice.
  • The very human experience he mastered.

It was a reminder that other people have walked before me, and created a path along the way that I can follow.

At the time it was very confusing because I thought “I’m not Christian.” My ego didn’t want me to identify with that.

I still am not, at least in the sense of belonging to a religion...I don't believe religion is the answer, or the only way to God.

I am now however in the sense of following the example of Christ.

As the experienced progressed, I was seeing more and more of my future. It was brutal, awesome… and terrifying.

I was revealed that my purpose is to “be the example”.

To commit my life to God, and following the example of Yeshua (non-religious affiliated) but to the sacred source of everything.

To embody in myself and bring to life in others “Christ Consciousness” - a state of awareness of one's true nature, higher self, and birthright as a child of God. A state and expression of unconditional love. The highest state of intellectual and emotional development. In other words - to be “christlike”.

To lead from the heart, and choose the higher road in all of my affairs.

I saw myself leading retreats, speaking on stages to thousands of people, and sharing my message of love, truth, and self empowerment with millions of people online.

But there was one catch… I had to choose this path for myself.

When it was coming to an end I heard a voice in my mind ask “Do you accept your calling”.

I said yes of course.

I was then given a new name for committing my life to God & Yeshua.


When I first heard this name I didn’t understand. Why couldn’t I still be “Riley”?

I about had a mental breakdown. I was so afraid.

“What does that name Christopher even mean?” I thought to myself.

Here’s what I found:

The bearer of Christ. He who has Christ in his heart. The one that leads lost souls back to the path.

For the last year I have been avoiding the inevitable. It all seemed to much.

That was... until the last level of my training during my ceremonies I mentioned above.

My intention was forgiveness. What better example for forgiveness than Jesus Christ himself lol.

Even though I had no intention of exploring the name, and had decided previously to not take it... it came up again during my journey.

The message I received was crystal clear: I had a choice.

I could choose to stay afraid, and avoid who I was meant to be… no one could force me. Even the divine.

Or, I could surrender and receive the future I was shown .

So, to make a long story short... it is with a great amount of celebration I share this with you:

I am Christopher.

You may not know this but the last year (and even two) have been the hardest in my entire life.

I don’t show it, or ask for help.

I have tried to be strong, and stoic through it all… but damn son!

But, I learned all of the:

  • Fucked up things I experienced.
  • Pain I carried.
  • Darkness I have danced with.
  • Along with people’s shadows I’ve witnessed…

Were preparing me for who I am meant to be.

Who I am.

What a wild ride… stay tuned for more soon.

Thank God haha!

Wisdom Weekly 2.0

Geek out with me for a sec.

To match the new version of me I updated some things:

  • My brand colors and fonts. (bad ass)

You will receive an email from me on Wednesdays and Saturdays with one goal in mind:

To help you become more happy, healthy, and productive in around 10 minutes per week.

Midweek Wisdom (Wednesdays)

All of my personal reflections and insights.

A peek under the hood so to speak of my life, businesses, purpose, and progress.

What I am learning and up to compressed into a quick read that leaves you feeling inspired, and a few notches smarter.

Weekend Wisdom (Saturdays)

Saturdays are deep dives into topics, ideas, and lessons.

This is where I put on my teacher cap, and educate you on interesting topics or tools that help you to level up in mind, body, and spirit.

I’m here to help you overcome the habits, beliefs, and experiences that have held you back… and empower you to create new ones.

Through powerful spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical tools we will uncover the best version of yourself together.

Thanks for your support!

Glad to have you here :)

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help:

If you haven't already...

⚡️ Join The Activation Collective For Free

Your first step to hit your goals and thrive in mind, body, spirit—and your bank account. Get high-quality, no-BS resources like The G.S.D. Planner + Goal Tracker to achieve your goals, and become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive—alongside a badass community for support.

Or, you can...

➡️ Work With Me

I'll help you overcome your mental blocks (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.

Mention "2025" when we talk for a special deal just for you.

You can reply directly to this email with any questions, wins, or thoughts you had this week.

Rooting for you 💪

With love, support, & gratitude,

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius

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Christopher Riley Scott Conder

Hello my friend, I'm Christopher. Twice a week, I share actionable tips, reflections, and strategies to help you become more happy, healthy, and productive. Join 1000+ free thinkers working on leveling up in mind, body, and spirit.

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