My week so far:
This week has felt strange.
Christmas Eve and Christmas felt like a weekend, and this weekend felt like the week.
Now it’s New Years Day, and I don’t know if it’ Wednesday… or Friday, or Sunday. Weird.
Sunday I wrapped up setting my long term Vision and Yearly Goals.
With my learnings from years of setting, but missing goals… I developed a bulletproof strategy.
I can’t lose this year. Both because a lot is on the line, and since I have set my Goals in a way that makes achieving them guaranteed.
For one, I only set three goals.
- Personal.
- Professional.
- Financial.
Next, I chose three processes for each goal that if followed would lead to achieving it.
Processes are recurring behaviors
Needed to get the result (outcome).
So to recap, each of my Goals has one Outcome, and three Processes.
Then, I spend 80% of my time focused on the Processes and 20% focused on the Outcomes.
Process focused is taking aligned action, practicing my habits, and following my routines.
Outcome focused is visualizing, affirming, and planning.
This quote is what changed everything for me:
Winners focus on the action, losers focus on the goal
— Alex Hormozi
How’s your week going?
What I am working on
In my personal life: I am tweaking my routine this week slightly.
For the last two months I have been running this play:
1st Morning Mastery routine. Cold shower, affirmations, meditation.
2nd I train at the Gym or do a long Yoga session. Balancing movement with muscle.
3rd I hit the coffee shop or my home office. Deep work, and getting shit done.
After testing that out I realized something. Putting work 3rd leaves to much room for distraction, and procrastination.
So this week I am changing it up :
1st Routine. It now includes a 15-30 min walk with my weight vest right after my shower... but before my meditation.
This way I can get some exercise in before my work begins, but still optimize for deep work.
2nd Deep work. Now that I've meditated, visualized success, and moved my body: it's time to get shit done.
3-4 hours of uninterrupted and focused work on my top 3 tasks = 9 hours of regular work.
3rd Train. Time to take a break, and shift from the mind to the body.
Now by 11am I will have completed the equivalent of a full work day, plus several workouts.
Lastly this week my target is 195lbs bodyweight. I've been getting jacked again which is tight.
Consistency compounds, and small improvements lead to big results.
In my professional life: 18 days to go...
My challenge is going great. At the time of writing this I haven't made money yet, but I've gained wisdom money couldn't buy.
I've reached out to over 1,600 people leading to over 70 people in my new group.
I am on pace to hit my goal as it's a numbers game.
Contacts → people in the group → 1-1 calls → new clients → cash collected.
Focus on the inputs that lead to the outputs.
If you want to be one of the 15 people getting results like this:
“The program that I went through with Christopher literally changed my life. It bumped me up to a level of productivity, joy, gratitude and appreciation that I honestly never thought possible and it has just absolutely changed everything about the results in my life. My relationship with wife my wife and kids have never been better I have way more earning opportunities than I ever did before and I’m finally getting a chance to make the results happen in my life that I’ve always wanted…”
– Grant Keaton | Entrepreneur
...for the lowest price I'll ever offer (it's a no brainer lol).
Book a call here and we can chat about what that looks like.
In my financial life: End of year review, and upgrading my associations. (new category!)
You may notice this is a new category: I'm excited to share my financial journey with you openly.
I will own a lot of Real Estate, and other assets in the coming years to become very wealthy... plus help others to do the same along the way.
This week I am doing my end of year financial review and updating my balance sheet.
Plus, I am rejoining a Real Estate mastermind with a mentor that is worth 10's of millions and owns 2,500 + apartments.
"People grow into the conversation you have around them."
Time to be around wealthy people on a weekly basis.
Weekly win and miss
My win: 2024 reflections and 2025 goal setting complete.
I can let 2024 close with peace of mind, knowing I'm crushing 2025 already.
My miss: How you do one thing is how you do everything.
When my house gets messy, my schedule gets messy, so I feel messy... which means my mind is messy.
When one area improves, all areas do. When one area slips, they all begin to.