This is the key to your greatest growth

This is the key to your greatest growth

Read time : 3.5 minutes

Welcome to Wisdom Weekly where I help you become more happy, healthy and productive in around 10 minutes a week.

Today's Wisdom:

  • Big idea: Why does life have to be so painful?
  • Short lesson: The two types of pain we choose
  • Deep quote: Why do we need pain?
  • Quick takeaway: 3 ways to ease your burden
  • Top video: 3 beautiful life lessons from Lord of the Rings

Big idea: Why does life have to be so painful?

It seems no matter which path you take in life…

  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Hobbies
  • Associations

Pain is unavoidable.

Some say it’s part of the human condition… part of this life experience we signed up for.

Others try to avoid it at all costs. They fail, and usually end up with more.

This week I’ve been pondering on pain:

  • How to reshape my perspective around it.
  • How to transmute it into energy that fuels me.
  • What kind of pain we experience based on our choices.

You know, since it’s unavoidable and all.

Let’s begin shall we?

Short lesson: The two types of pain we choose

Lately my pain has been in the form of overwhelm, stress, and pressure to succeed.

In the past it was regret, shame, sadness, and frustration.

What is the difference?

One is caused by the decision to become great:

  • To pursue and reach our potential.
  • Leaning into our fears and edge.
  • Facing our shadow and shortcomings.

The other:

  • Avoiding our problems and potential.
  • Distracting ourselves from the voice inside.
  • Living below the standard we desire for our lives, and selves.

Whether or not we choose to make the most out of our lives, we will experience great pain.

We can lean in and earn the diamond in the rough… or we can ignore and compound the sickness.

As the great sage poet Rumi said:

“The cure for pain is in the pain.”

Let it consume you. Only then will you overcome it.

“The pain that you hold is yours. There is not a single pain quite like it. Nobody else on God's green earth can feel this pain, or have the indescribable feeling of pride you will have when you overcome it. This pain is not your curse; this pain is your privilege.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Our pain isn't a burden, and the world isn't closing in on us.

It's a signal that tells us we are ready to grow. Like the sunlight causing a plant to go through photosynthesis... our pain is the catalyst for our greatest growth.

What do you choose?

To make the most out of your life, and yourself?

To avoid and ignore it to protect your fragile ego?

I made my choice long ago, and encourage you to join me.

Only then will you learn to love how painful and beautiful life is.

The beauty of pain is that it's temporary, and it tells you when you're giving enough of yourself to pursue your dreams.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

People like us aren’t “normal”.

We realize that our life is what we make it: We are here for a greater life and purpose.

Most people don’t see that.

They want to bury their head in the sand, and live life on autopilot.

  • Unconscious.
  • Average.
  • Comfortable.

They think they will have an easier life that way… but that simply isn’t true.

It only brings more pain.

Don’t you ever wonder why most people can’t make it through the day without medication, or vices to numb themselves?

That isn’t “normal”.

It’s a sad prison for our body, mind, and spirits.

I feel great sorrow for those people.

That doesn’t have to be you:

“The most intelligent (people), like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster: in the labyrinth… their delight is in self-mastery… They regard a difficult task as a privilege; it is to them a recreation to play with burdens that would crush all others."
Friedrich Nietzsche

I am here to help you uncover the best version of yourself...

It isn't always easy, but nothing is sweeter.

Deep quote: Why do we need pain?

“Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Self explanatory.

Quick takeaway: 3 ways to ease your burden

In my pondering, and experimentation I’ve found a few things that help me to:

  1. Keep a level head: Find perspective, and purpose for my pain.
  2. Open my heart: Feel deeply. The high’s can only be felt when we feel the low’s.
  3. Tap into spirit: Receive inspiration, and relax into the peaceful loving presence that is our soul.

First for a level head: I break out my journal.

Writing out my thoughts, problems, feelings, and worries allows my mind to let go… and go to work finding answers.

Here’s an exercise you can try: What pain am I feeling right now? How am I avoiding it? What is it here to teach me?

Second to open my heart: I pray. Prayer is talking to ourselves, and a higher power (universe, god, source… doesn’t matter). I share my struggles, and acknowledge how I am feeling. Then I allow myself to express: shout, cry, laugh, etc.

Third to tap into spirit: I meditate.

Sit in silence. Observe my thoughts. Breathe. Relax. Think. Visualize.

It’s not complicated, and you can’t do it wrong.

After reading this, take 5 minutes to sit with yourself. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and feel into the center of your being.

Doing these things on a daily basis keeps me sane, optimistic, and full of energy to persevere.

If you need some 1-on-1 advice or support you can get your first call with me free below.

video preview

3 beautiful life lessons from Lord of the Rings

Did you catch the life lessons sprinkled through Lord Of The Rings?

In case you missed it: In Wednesday's letter I covered the #1 thing everyone needs besides food and water... plus we talked about the best way to describe the ultimate human.

You can read it here.

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help:

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Or, you can...

➡️ Work With Me

I'll help you overcome your mental blocks (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.

Mention "2025" when we talk for a special deal just for you.

You can reply directly to this email with any questions, wins, or thoughts you had this week.

Rooting for you 💪

With love, support, & gratitude,

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius

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Christopher Riley Scott Conder

Hello my friend, I'm Christopher. Twice a week, I share actionable tips, reflections, and strategies to help you become more happy, healthy, and productive. Join 1000+ free thinkers working on leveling up in mind, body, and spirit.

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